config.header.right: "[[Main Site->]]"
config.footer.right: "{theme switcher} {back link}" "{restart link, label: 'Home'}"
Hey there, this is just a test to see how Twine behaves if it was used to make a website, instead of an interactive game.
This is written in the [[Chapbook->]] story format, which requires almost no coding to be usable for various purposes.
You can click on "Main Site" in the top right corner to return to Neocities.
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[[Next->page1]]One of the downsides that I noticed is that there seems no way to grab the URL from a Twine "page" to access it directly because the address will always be the same.
Another one is that, since Chapbook saves the progress automatically, people will always return to the last "page" they've seen, although that could also be a positive.
Last, but not least, Chapbook accepts CSS and JavaScript, so that may be useful for the more experienced people.
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