What is this

Hey there, I'm Leonardo, usually called "Loke" over the internet. This thing here is my main page on Neocities, where I'll link some of my other web things that I might develop over time. This was made with Publii, for quickness sake, but I might edit things manually someday. For now you can check:

- A test website made with Twine: click here.
I don't think Twine is a good choice to make something that will be updated frequently, like a blog for example, because it would required updating all the passages and lists by hand. On the other hand, it seems great to make an interactive portfolio. Twine also shows images, although I didn't use any in this example.

- A test website made with Decker: click here.
Same as Twine, although I think a blog would be possible, maybe, if someone uses a password contraption to protect a page that allows writing in a field, and then copies that writing to a new card and update an index somewhere with a clickable link. Yeah. Don't look at me though, I don't want to go down this rabbit hole. Other than that, the (intended) graphical limitation might put off people looking for HD art.

- My "real" blog where I write a bunch of stuff: click here.
I talk about localization, video games, music, and other random stuff.